About SCDC
Schaumburg Christian Day Camp exists to provide a physically and spiritually safe environment where campers can learn, play, and grow.
SCDC has been providing excellent care to the residents of Schaumburg and its surrounding areas for over 30 years. We have a large staff of qualified, Christian individuals; many of which hold degrees in education. Our campus is situated comfortably in the middle of Schaumburg, which gives us access to wonderful field trip venues and beautiful parks.
What makes us different?
In addition to a Christ-honoring atmosphere, competitive programs, and below-average pricing, SCDC has the most flexible schedule on the market. Bring your children three days this week and five the next. No problem! We also don’t have those unnecessary activity fees and deposits.
Senior Staff

Joshua Csoka (Director)

Sandi Meza (Supervisor)
Public Relations Staff

Nadine Meyer (Receptionist)

Renee Lange (Receptionist)

Celerina Adan

Nicole Linstrom

Catherine Jankovic

Rachel Hernandez
Program Staff

Kate Bliss (Art, Cooking, and Craft Assistant)

Shannon Patel (Art, Cooking, and Craft Assistant)

Victoria Meza

Nissi Pilli (Art Assistant)
Specialty Instructors

Teresa Bliss (Art, Cooking, and Craft)
Sorry. Day Camp fees are non-refundable.
Yes, you may pre-pay anything you wish. If you do so before May 1st you will receive a 10% Early Bird Discount on everything you pre-pay. But please be aware that Day Camp fees are non-refundable and be sure to plan accordingly.
We ask that all camps and activities be pre-paid. You can pay online when you register your camper. You can either pay in full or take advantage of one of our payment plan options. We also accept cash and check in the Day Camp office from 8:00-3:30, Mondays-Friday. If you have further questions, please e-mail [email protected].
There are two kiosks for clocking your child in/out in the Day Camp lobby and at Late Stay. Simply type your attendance PIN, select the campers you wish to check in/out, and press submit!
You can add days during a week, but you cannot reduce or cancel days once a week has started. All reductions and cancellations must be done before the week you are trying to change starts by calling in to Day Camp or emailing [email protected].
If it’s raining outside or the heat index is 100º or higher, our campers follow a schedule that keeps them having fun indoors. As soon as the heat or rain is gone, they get to go back outside.
At Home - If your child becomes ill before coming to Day Camp, we require they wait 24 hours from A. the time their fever broke, or B. the last time they vomited before returning to Camp. Ill campers who are taking fever reducing medication cannot come to camp because they are still contagious.
At Day Camp - If your child becomes ill or is injured at Day Camp, they will visit our health office and we will contact you. In the event the illness or injury is severe enough, we reserve the right to call emergency services
Please turn in all inhalers, EpiPens, and other medications (with instructions for dispensing them) to the Day Camp office.
Early Arrival is free and begins at 6:30 AM. Late Stay goes until 6:00 PM. Check out the Summer Starter Camp fees for more details concerning Late Stay.
This summer we have had to cancel our weekly off-campus trips. We are in the process of scheduling an occasional trip so click on the Calendar tab to find out!
In certain events we can provide you directions to the venue. If that doesn’t work, we will keep your child on campus and provide an alternate schedule for them to follow until their fellow campers return.
Nope. Only Summer Starter Campers (SSC) may participate in the field trips.
Unfortunately not. Please create a Day Camp account. After that, your information for Day Camp will only need to be updated from year to year.
Yes. SCS and SCDC run completely independent programs.
No. Day Camp fees cannot be billed to SCS accounts. But delinquent payments to SCDC may affect enrollment in SCS.
Nope. Registration fees cannot be prorated.
All dress is expected to align with the scriptural principles of modesty and association. Therefore pants & Capri’s must be loose fitting. All shorts and skirts must be loose fitting and extend to the mid-thigh. Shirts must also be loose fitting. Tank tops, halters, clothing with inappropriate advertising, and excessively worn/torn clothes are not allowed. Boys' hair should not extend over the ears, into the eyes, or over the collar.
No. We are partnering with Marlas Lunch to provide hot lunch meals. Find more info here >
*We do provide two complimentary snacks a day.
Yes. All campers must be 3 years of age and fully independent in the bathroom.
No way. If your child is late because our program ran long, you will not incur any late fees.
Not necessarily. We have non-nap rooms for the 4’s and 5’s which you'll be able to sign up for on the first week of camp. Of course, we have found that most 3-5 year olds enjoy camp so much more when they get an afternoon nap.
The Day Camp office will be more than happy to show you our lost and found. However, campers must take full responsibility for all personal effects. BBC, SCS, SCDC, nor any staff member will be held responsible for campers’ lost, damaged, or stolen property. We encourage campers to keep all personal belongings in a bag and out of sight when not being used.